I first will tell you a little about myself. I am a Christian. I am married to a wonderful man for 37 years now. We have three children. One girl, and two boys. We have 7 grandchildren. I have been trying to make quilts for each of the grandchildren with their name, birth date, parents name, grandparents names, and the aunts and uncles. It is a genealogical quilt. With the names, there are also the dates of birth. I also put the birthstone, flower of the month and their zodic sign on it. I am a little behind as I have three yet to make.

I also do a family news letter that goes out four times a year. It has the birthdays, anniversaries, births, deaths, recipes and any other news that would be of interest to the family.

My husband works at a potato plant, where they make fries, rounds, and hash browns. He works in the maintance department of the plant. He has worked there for 11 years this November.

He started growing the beard he has now about five years ago. He has had one off and on most of our married life. He loves to read, and can read a paperback book in about 2 hours if he does nothing else. He puts a lot of his spare time in on the computer and is learning more and more about it every day. He is a very private person and doesn't really like crowds. He would just as soon have a home in woods someplace and not have to leave it more than once or twice a year. That of course, is out of the question. At least until he wins the lottery, which is a hard thing to do when you don't buy a ticket.

I have been very interested in what is being said about Y2K. Will it happen, or will it not happen? I like to have an insurance, therefore, I am doing some canning that I would not otherwise have done. I use to have a huge garden, so canning is not new to me. But, I am canning some things that I have never canned before, such as meat, and sauces. You just don't wait until things happen before you get prepared. Now, we will all just have to wait and see what happens on the first of January won't we. Although, it might not be on the first of January. It might be in the middle of the month, or not at all. No one knows what will happen, when it will happen, or if anything will happen. Are you getting your family prepared just in case it does happen? Don't get caught with an empty pantry. Storms happen, sickness happens and, sometimes, we have unexpected friends drop in on us. What you have canned up, or bought ahead, will always come in handy. I like to have at least a couple weeks of food in the house for the unexpected happenings even without this talk of Y2K.


Things That I Like Or Love:

First of all, I love my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Then, comes my husband and family, our children, their spouces and children. I love my parents, sisters and brothers, some of whom have gone home to be with the Lord, and the others that are still with us on earth. My nieces and nephews, of whom there are many.

I love to watch the birds as they come and go. We have bird feeders and a bird bath for them to enjoy. Sometimes we have a lot and sometimes we have few.



I love the changes of the seasons as they come and go. First is the Spring, it brings new birth-new life, new colors and new smells. Like that of the first Spring rain.



Second is the Summer, with it comes the growth of the new life. Flowers bloom, birds are back that had gone away for the winter, and gardens grow. You see the baby animals in the fields, and smell the newly mowed grass or hay.

Fall is the third and the most colorful of all. One just has to love the colors against the blue of the sky. With Fall comes the harvest of the fruits of the earth that God has given us.


Last but not least comes Winter, it is the time for resting. It is so peaceful when the snow begins to comes down to the ground. It covers the ground like a blanket from our Lord. He is letting the ground and us rest from the yard work and gardening, to prepare for the next new beginning of another Spring. Then, the cycle starts all over again.


I wouldn't want to live any where but where I am at this time, where we get the four seasons. I miss having our children and grandchildren around, as none are close by. But, they have to go where they are able to get good paying jobs and be happy. The closest is now about 2 hours away.

Things I don't care about.

Then, there are things that I don't care about, such as the troubles that are taking place all around us in other countries and in our own. With the children turning against one another in the schools and against their parents, of the parents who don't want their children any more so get rid of them one way or the other. There are so many things that happen all around us that could be prevented. One day, and in the very near future, there will be peace, where no one will get hurt anymore. This will happen when the Lord comes back.

I don't care for some of the noise that they call music, it is very unrestful and bothers the heart as well as the ears. Someday some will have hearing problems and wonder why. When you can hear it in the distance coming from a car that is on the road, or from a neighbors house, it is too loud, or at least I think it is.

I don't like all the illness in the world, but I know it is here for a reason. Everything that happens, happens for a reason, even though we wonder why so much of the time.

I don't like the humidity, and pollen, as it bothers my allergies.



All three of our children work with the computer, either on the job, or at home. Two of the three were not interested in it at all in school, but after leaving home and being out on their own are both working in a field that requires them to use one. The third one was able to take it in school and has enjoyed using it every since.



Our oldest grandchild was added to our family when he was 7 years old. He has beautiful brown eyes, I always wanted a child with brown eyes, and didn't have one myself, but, have the brown eyes in him. He likes to play with cars and he likes to play games on the computer. He knows as much or probably more about the computer than I do. Or at least sometimes I think he does. He too will grow up using the computer, and probably get into a field where he will need to use one.

The next in age is a granddaughter. She was born on her great-grandfathers birthday date. She has been a little mother to her brothers and sister. She collects angels and butterflys.

Next in age, is another grandson, he was born on the day after his aunts birthday. He is into bugs now his dad told us. Like most boys, he likes cars and trucks too.

Next, is our second granddaughter, she is the curious one, from the way I understand it. We almost lost her one time when she fell into a pond at a friends.

Next, is a grandson, one who I was able to help raise the first two years of his life. He had collic when he was a baby and they had trouble finding a baby sitter for him and so I would get him and his older brother for a while. Then mom and dad moved to our town and lived with us, until they were able to find an appartment of their own. So, I was really able to spoil him. They have since moved about 2 hours away from us.

Next comes another grandson. He is only a few months old and has been with his parents all of the time. He is growing like a weed and looks nothing like he did at birth. They all change so fast and grow up to soon.

Number seven is another grandson, and we haven't seen him in person, only a picture. Wish they lived closer to us so I could spoil him, along with the others.



Copyright 1999